Redcliffs Residents Association

Information for Redcliffs residents

Redcliffs, Christchurch, New Zealand

Projects & Activities

Get involved - comments, feedback welcomed

See the Contact us page for ways to get in touch.  This page includes sections on planning matters, local advocacy, environment, volunteering and community activities, neighbourhood groups and contacts, and social events.

Eco Village Project

See our separate page for sustainability, climate change action and the Redcliffs/Te Rae Kura Eco Village project.  Join the Group.


Main Road Master Plan, Estuary Edge Master Plan

Contact the Residents Association for current status.

Christchurch Coastal Pathway

Website:   Email:

Emergency planning

Contact the Redcliffs Response and Resilience Team on or see our web page.

Local advocacy

Your representatives are the Redcliffs Residents Association Inc. Committee meetings are held monthly on the first Monday of the month (unless a public holiday in which case second Monday) at 7.30pm at the meeting room at the rear of Redcliffs Library. Local residents are welcome to attend as observers, and to contact the committee with any concerns about local matters that they would like to see discussed. See Residents Association page and Contact us.

Some current matters of concern - coastal hazards planning issues, , environmental improvements to the Village, providing steps to the water at Beachville Reserve, Redcliffs Park school rebuild..

Future involvement planned - Neighbourhood Week activities, estuary clean-up, red zone issues, planning issues in the high flood risk zone.


Redcliffs Residents Association environment sub-committee

For details of current projects and to suggest new ones contact Dave Bryce.
Phone: (03) 384 9967

Regreening Barnett Park

A group of enthusiastic volunteers is working on the regeneration and ecological improvement of Te Awa Kura Barnett Park. Their slogan "Bring back the Birds".  if you would like to get involved with organising or hands on work see their Facebook page for the Park here. If you are not on Facebook, please contact Rosemary Neave directly by email:  Watch out for notices of working bees and weeding days which we will advertise when they are organised.

Planting and plant maintenance days 

Volunteers always welcome for planting and maintenance sessions. Local volunteers work in Barnett Park (see above), Drayton Gully Reserve, Charlesworth Reserve and McCormack's Bay. Our plantings make a long term contribution to reducing runoff, erosion and flooding, improving water quality, providing habitat for native flora and fauna and eventually providing forest to enjoy. All welcome.
Contact Dave Bryce for details.
Phone: (03) 384 9967

Predator Free Redcliffs - cheap traps and support groups

Part of the Predator Free Port Hills initiative, and Te Manu Waiata of Sumner Bays, we have local co-ordinators for this important environmental initiative, and encourage everyone with a garden to get involved with trapping and baiting in the suburbs.  Also people can work in Barnett Park and on the Port Hills nearby where traps have been set up in the small bush reserves.  If we can get traps into at least one in 5 suburban gardens we will see a real difference in the wild life around Redcliffs - already the bird life is improving. The local group is co-ordinated through  See also the Facebook page @pfsumner for up to date news about all the Sumner Bays efforts and successes, trap building days and other activities.
Predator Free Port Hills has a lot of information on their website here. You can download their Trapper's Guide booklet here.
There is a stall at the Mt Pleasant Farmers' Market on the second Saturday of the month.

Drayton Reserve

For up to date information on this exciting ecological project at the back of Redcliffs, and how to get involved with working bees and planting see the Drayton Reserve Volunteers website.

Mahoe-nui Bush

Restoration project on the Port Hills above Sumner. For dates see the Forest & Bird website.

Calder Green Reserve

Restoration project by the Heathcote River. For dates see the Forest & Bird website.

McCormacks Bay

Monthly, Sundays 2pm-4pm.
Contact Tanya Jenkins on

Charlesworth wetland reserve

Weekly Sundays 2pm - 4pm.
Contact Tanya Jenkins on

Estuary matters

Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust, set up to protect, study and enhance the estuary environment. The Trust also runs the McCormacks Bay Enhancement Project and the Charlesworth Wetland Restoration Project.  Volunteer work parties Sundays 2pm-4pm.


Volunteers undertake track maintenance In Barnett Park and on the eastern Port Hills, through the auspices of the Summit Road Society. Second and fourth Monday mornings. New members welcome.
Contact Graham Partridge for details of regular work parties.
Phone: (03) 384 3592.

Volunteering and community activities

Time Bank

Offer your time and skills, build credit, get help when you need, build community links.
Local branch: Bridge2Rocks  Co-ordinator Robin Arnold.

Community Shed

Part of the Community Shed (peviously Mens Shed) group and open to all - really well-equipped workshop, tools and craft facilities for all the community. Start your own project or join in. Contact the secretary or see the notice board for details of current opening hours and activities.
99c Main Road, Redcliffs (down lane)

See also Lions Club, Rotary and the Community Groups page

Local neighbourhood groups and contacts

Beachville Road

Fiona Miller
51 Beachville Road
Phone: (03) 384 9662

Jan Simpson
Phone: (03) 384 9000

Augusta Street

John Cook
45 Augusta Street
Phone: (03) 384 1710

Dunkeld Lane

Olwyn Palmer
Phone: (03) 384 5420

Main Road (numbers 125-141)

Peter Broughton
Phone: (03) 384 7491

Balmoral Lane

Dianne France
52 Balmoral Lane.
Phone: (03) 384 3074, 027 3843074

Start your own neighbourhood network at Christchurch Gets Ready. 

Start your own street group and have a party!
Contact the RRA for ideas for support.

Regular social events - see also Community Groups and Local Directory pages

Redcliffs Function Centre

Redcliffs Mt Pleasant Bowling Club at 9 James Street has a wide range of fixtures and social activities on offer.
For the latest Club information visit their website.

Mainly Music

Are you looking for a fun activity to do with your baby or pre-schooler? Do you want to get to know other families in the Sumner-Redcliffs-Mount Pleasant area? Mainly Music is a fun, educational half hour music and movement session followed by morning tea and a social/play time. Fridays 9:45 – 11:15 am during school terms St Andrews Church, 148 Main Road, Redcliffs. Come along and try it out- the first session is free! $4 per family casual rate. $30 for a 10-session card. For more info, phone Hazel 384 1965/ 021 077 1264.