Press Report on First Meeting
The Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14710, 5 July 1913, Page 15
The first general meeting in connection with the Redcliffs Progressive Association since its formation was held, in the Schoolroom on Thursday, when there was a good attendance. The president (Mr A. W. Beaven) occupied the chair, and two hours were spent in discussing a number of matters affecting the district and the borough generally.
The secretary reported that there were now fifty-three members enrolled, including several ladies.
Correspondence was read from the Town Clerk of Sumner (Mr C. T. Middleton), stating that the Association might confidently rely upon having the cordial co-operation of the Council in all matters pertaining to the welfare of Redcliffs and the Borough generally.
The following resolutions were carried :—(1) "That this meeting trusts that the Sumner Borough Council will hasten the completion of the water supply for Monck's Spur." (2) "In the event of the Sumner Borough Council providing a comprehensive water supply scheme, which will adequately provide for the necessities of Redcliffs, the scheme will have the hearty support of the Redcliffs Progressive Association, which trusts that the Council will shortly have something to place before the ratepayers." (3) "Pending the introduction of a universal drainage scheme, the Sumner Borough Council be asked to introduce sealed pans in the borough." (4) "That the matter of a separate ward be referred back to the committee for further information, and that the committee be given power to add to their number any member specially qualified." (5) "That it be an instruction to the committee to obtain information regarding the Mount Pleasant Estate water supply." (6) "That the Redcliffs Councillors be asked to endeavour to have the lighting of Redcliffs improved, both as to the number of lamps and quality of light.'' (7) "That the secretary write to the Hon. John Barr, M.L.C., and also to Mr G. Laurenson, M.P., with the object of obtaining the rifle range as a recreation ground for the district."
Source: National Library of New Zealand,
Transcription corrections by the Redcliffs Residents Association.